Year R weekly update (week beginning 19th October)

The children in Year R have had a busy week learning about  different emotions and that it’s okay to express your feelings. 

Our focus story this week has been a story called ‘The Colour Monster’ byAnna Llenas. This story matched how we feel to different colours and what these feelings mean and are presented.  The children had made their own colour monsters, showed awareness of how other children are feeling and tried to solve emotional problems by looking after each other. 

Our words of the week are ‘proud’ and ‘nibble’. We have talked about how we feel when we are awarded with a proudosaur and how this makes us feel inside.  All week the children have been spending their learning times making themselves proud and explaining what they did to make them feel that way. 

In Maths, we have learnt about the number five and understanding what this number means and represents e.g. five claps, five star jumps, five jumps and understanding that it’s not just objects that can be counted.  The rhyme for writing 5 is “a hat on top, take a dive, around we go, that makes a five”. We have revised all of the shapes we have learnt in snappy maths, since the children started school.  These are; circle, semi-circle, triangle, square and a rectangle.  To understand the differences,  we described the square as having four straight sides that are the same, and the rectangle as having four straight sides, two long sides and two short sides. We used pieces of wool to recreate the shapes, selecting the pieces that were the same for the square and different for the rectangle.  The children also noticed that a triangle can be made with different angles using the wool. 

In Phonics, we have been focussing on our voices and the different sounds that they make. We experimented with our voices when retelling stories, copying transport and animal noises.  

If you have any questions about what your child is learning, please email your child’s class teacher.

Year R team

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